7 Companion Plants You Should Never Grow With Tomatoes

Companion planting is a gardening technique where certain plants are grown together to benefit each other in various ways, such as pest control, pollination, and nutrient uptake. However, not all plants make good companions, and some combinations can actually hinder growth and yield. Let’s explore seven companion plants that should never be grown with tomatoes.

Corn: A Competitor for Nutrients

Corn and tomatoes are both heavy feeders, meaning they require significant amounts of nutrients from the soil. When grown together, they compete for these nutrients, leading to stunted growth and lower yields for both crops. Additionally, the tall stalks of corn can shade tomato plants, further inhibiting their growth.

Potatoes: Sharing Disease Risks

Both tomatoes and potatoes are susceptible to similar diseases, such as late blight, which can quickly spread and devastate entire crops. By growing them together, you increase the risk of widespread infection, as diseases can easily transfer between the two plants, leading to losses in both yield and quality.

Brassicas: Inhibitors of Tomato Growth

Plants from the brassica family, including cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, release compounds that can inhibit the growth of tomato plants and stunt their development. These compounds can affect the soil microbiome and nutrient availability, leading to reduced vigor and productivity in tomatoes.

Fennel: Flavor Saboteur

Fennel produces chemicals that can negatively affect the flavor of tomatoes when grown in close proximity. Additionally, these chemicals can inhibit the growth of tomato plants, leading to smaller yields and lower-quality fruit. It’s best to keep fennel away from your tomato patch to avoid these issues.

Walnuts: Toxins in the Soil

Walnut trees produce a toxin called juglone, which is harmful to many plants, including tomatoes. When walnut trees are nearby, juglone can leach into the soil and inhibit the growth of tomato plants, causing wilting, yellowing leaves, and overall poor performance. Avoid planting tomatoes near walnut trees to prevent these problems.

Dill: Attracting Pests

Dill is known to attract tomato hornworms, a common pest that can decimate tomato plants if left unchecked. By growing dill near your tomato plants, you’re essentially inviting these destructive pests into your garden, putting your tomato crop at risk.

Kohlrabi: Nutrient Competitor

Kohlrabi, a member of the cabbage family, competes with tomatoes for nutrients and space in the garden. When grown together, both crops may experience reduced yields due to competition for resources. It’s best to plant kohlrabi and tomatoes separately to ensure optimal growth and productivity.


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